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Product Partners

At Lawn Serv we strive to find the best products on the market to deliver superior results for our customers.  We are able to source products with specific nutrients (NPKs, pH, Weed & Bug Control) and tailor those products to your lawns needs based on our advanced soil testing.  We will also match key weed, bug, and pH products to your lawns needs based on the time of year and location/climate. This is an ongoing process as we continue to see innovation and gather feedback from our users.  Below are some of the direct manufacturer relationships we currently hold and their products that you could see arrive at your door depending on the custom plan and soil test.  These are high grade products being sourced directly from the manufacturer that cannot always be found in your typical hardware store allowing you to get professional results for do it yourself price with Lawn Serv here to manage the scientific process.  You can always refer to your specific lawn plan hosted on your account page for the exact product details prior to those items being shipped each month. You can refer to the company websites for additional product safety information...



Holganix PB1 LTO

Holganix products include: (click links for manufacturers specs and safety details)



Blue Sky


Greenview Lawn Care

GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer Weed & Feed and Crabgrass Preventer

Lebanon ProScape Fertilizer with Merit 0.3% Insecticide

GreenView Lawn Food with GreenSmart

Bonide Fertilizer

Crabgrass & Weed Preventer

Ant, Flea & Tick Killer

Annual Grub Beater


Dr. Earth

Lawn Food

Jonathan Green

Jonathan Green

Weed & Feed

Starter Fertilizer 


Love your soil


Dr. Iron


tick and mosquito spray 


encap fertilizer

Espoma Organic

 Fox Farm

Neptune's Harvest



Tick and mosquito spray 


Soil testing is also an extremely important part of our process.  We have partnered with many of the country's leading soil testing laboratories to provide our customers with the most accurate and insightful results.  Great soil science leads to great lawns!


Missouri State Soil Test